Helm values
You can reference the helm values.yaml for a full list of configurations
When deploying via helm, it is important to ensure that the vault.address
is set correctly.
helm install vault-kms-provider --set "vault.address=https://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200"
Depending on the type of authentication you require you may want to disable the service account.
helm install vault-kms-provider --set "serviceAccount.create=false"
Environment variables
Below are some general environment variables and their defaults for configuration of the KMS provider
# Url of the vault service
VAULT_ADDRESS = "https://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200"
# The endpoint that the health checks will listen on
# Path to the socket used for communication with the Kubernetes API server. Can be either abstract (@path/to/abstract.sock) or file path.
# Abstract socket paths must be prefixed with the "@" symbol
SOCKET_PATH = "./sockets/vault-kms-provider.sock"
# The level of permissions granted to the socket (does not apply to abstract sockets)
# The string identifier used to store the encryption keys in the vault transit gateway
VAULT_TRANSIT_KEY = "vault-kms-provider"
# path defined for the transit gateway, ex: auth/transit/... or auth/transit-path/...