

Currently, the following authentication methods are supported

Configuration of auth methods is done using the environment variables listed below.

# Path defined for the authentication route, ex: auth/custom-auth-path/...
#  if not set, will default to the associated auth method, ex: auth/userpass/.. or auth/kubernetes/..
VAULT_AUTH_MOUNT = "custom-auth-path"

# Vault token for vault access
# path to file containing vault token
VAULT_TOKEN_PATH = "/path/to/vault/token"

# user and password for userpass authentication
VAULT_USER = "vault-kms-provider"
VAULT_PASSWORD = "some-password"
# path to file containing vault password
VAULT_PASSWORD_PATH = "/path/to/vault/password"

# path to mounted JWT for kubernetes auth
VAULT_KUBERNETES_JWT_PATH = "/path/to/vault.jwt"
# jwt for kubernetes auth
# role for kubernetes auth 
VAULT_KUBERNETES_ROLE = "vault-kms-provider"

# role_id and secret_id for approle authentication
VAULT_ROLE_ID = "role"
VAULT_SECRET_ID = "secret"
# path to file containing secret id
VAULT_SECRET_ID_PATH = "/path/to/secret/id"

# jwt for jwt auth
VAULT_JWT = "jwt"
# path to mounted jwt for jwt auth
VAULT_JWT_PATH = "/path/to/jwt"
# role for jwt, optional
VAULT_JWT_ROLE = "vault-kms-provider"

# name of the trusted certificate created in vault for authentication
VAULT_CERTIFICATE_NAME = "vault-kms-provider"
# path to client cert and key for certificate authentication
VAULT_CLIENT_CERT = "/path/to/client/public.crt"
VAULT_CLIENT_KEY = "/path/to/client/private.key"

Environment variables can be configured using the env property in the values.yaml, ex:

  - name: VAULT_TOKEN
        name: vault-token-secret
        key: token

The envFrom property is also configurable in the values.yaml file, allowing configMaps, etc to be added. ex:

  - configMapRef:
    name: my-custom-config-map